Sea Level Rise Committee (9/1/21)

On July 12th, the City of Lewes officially announced the creation of a new Executive Committee to “develop recommendations to address resiliency of Lewes in response to sea level rise and climate change.” The Committee was formed after the Mayor and City Council voted not to accept the Planning Commission proposals on Sea Level Rise and Surface Water.  LBCA submitted a petition to the city signed by 143 people urging that the proposals be rejected and the building moratorium lifted until a more complete and equitable solution was developed. LBCA also helped coordinated testimony at a city hearing urging a more scientific, legal, and thorough review of the issue.

Several of you have asked why the Wastewater Treatment Plant was excluded from consideration or even discussion by the city's new Executive Committee on Resiliency. When asked, several city officials indicated this was a decision by the University of Delaware. In a recent email, Phil Barnes, the lead of the University of Delaware’s team involved with the Committee made it clear this was the Mayor's decision and not a decision by the University or DNREC. He observed, "BPW issues, in terms of BPW leadership and location of the treatment plant, are outside the scope of the Executive Committee. That is not my decision, nor DNREC's. That was the Mayor's decision when he formed the committee. This was contained in the mayor's charge..."

A list of committee members can be found here.

Additional Documents:


Repairing Homes on Lewes Beach or in the Flood Plain (9/1/21)


Commercialization of Lewes Beach (8/3/21)