City Backs Away From Proposed New Rule on Roofs and Parking (10/27/21)
Following a public hearing on the proposed Building Height, Etc. ordinance, the Mayor signaled the city would not vote on the proposal in its entirety in November. It now looks like the City will break the proposal into separate parts and consider each individually. LBCA’s petition, signed by 176 Lewes homeowners, testimony from LBCA members and others, and on-point questions from those watching online made clear the proposal was not ready for consideration or even explanation. Not a single person spoke in support of the proposal.
The staff of the city of Lewes had proposed a new “flood plain” rule which would nearly double the required roof pitch on residential homes, eliminate flat roofs, and make it extremely difficult to have observation decks, even those covering only part of a roof. Click here for a copy of the proposal. No explanation was provided for how the proposed rule relates to flooding. Oddly, the rule appears to only apply to Lewes Beach, specifically exempting flood plain property on the town side of the canal, including properties owned by the Mayor and a City Council member. In addition, the proposed rule would significantly expand the role of the city planner in construction rules and enforcement.