City Sued Over Rejection of Its Fisher’s Cove Development Proposal (12/11/2021)

The City of Lewes was sued in state court over its role in denying preliminary consent to the proposed Fischer’s Cove subdivision. Burke & Rutecki LLC, the developer involved, claims the City imposed arbitrary and capricious standards, including standards not found in the City Code, and that the entire review process suffered from bias, outside communications with private opposition groups, and delays over the three years the proposal was under consideration. Click here for the article in the Cape Gazette.

Days later, the developer sued the City a second time asking for compensation for the temporary taking of its property, damages, attorney fees, and other relief the court sanctions. Click here for an article in the Cape Gazette.

If the lawsuit is successful, it’s been estimated that the cost to the City could easily run into the millions.


Significant Legal and Practical Problems Exposed in City Staff’s Source Water Protection Overlay Proposal (11/10/2021)


City To Hold 2 Public Workshops - One on the Subdivision and Land Development Code on Nov. 23rd, Second on a New Source Water Ordinance Impacting the Floodplain On December 6th (11/20/2021)