City Lifts De Facto Building Moratorium for Now (10/11/21)
The City voted to stop treating a proposed change in the building code that would apply only to Lewes Beach as if it were already law. The proposal, which would change height rules, parking, limitations on alley access, changes to staff responsibilities, and other issues, was introduced on September 16 at a Mayor and City Council meeting. Even though it had yet to be subject to review, a hearing, public consideration, or a vote, the proposal was treated as law by the city in order to reject multiple building permit applications. The actions of the city generated immediate opposition once homeowners, residents, builders, and real estate companies learned what the city was doing. For a copy of the rule, click here. As of today, we have been unable to identify any meeting held by city staff with Lewes residents, homeowners, and others impacted by the proposal. Nor was any explanation given about the origins or reasons for the proposal. The Mayor and several members of the Council stated they were unaware of the proposals or its use by the city.